ARCA September General Meeting
POB1 Building 1305 Interstate Parkway, Augusta, GA, United StatesIf you cannot join is in person, please join us on Facebook Live by visiting our club Facebook page:
ARCA September Board of Directors Meeting
Virtual Meeting On-LineIf you want to join us through Skype – Meet Now, the meeting can be accessed either through the Skype application (available on desktop and mobile) or through any web browser. BOD Skype Link:
ARCA October General Meeting
POB1 Building 1305 Interstate Parkway, Augusta, GA, United StatesIf you cannot join us in person, please join us on Facebook Live by visiting our club Facebook page:
ARCA October Board of Directors Meeting
Virtual Meeting On-LineIf you want to join us through Skype – Meet Now, the meeting can be accessed either through the Skype application (available on desktop and mobile) or through any web browser. Simply click the link below to access the meeting on Tuesday: BOD Skype Link:
Stone Mountain Hamfest
Gwinette County Fairgrounds 2405 Sugarloaf Parkway, Lawrenceville, GaFLYER
ARCA November General Meeting
POB1 Building 1305 Interstate Parkway, Augusta, GA, United StatesIf you cannot join us in person, please join us on Facebook Live by visiting our club Facebook page:
ARCA November Board of Directors Meeting
Virtual Meeting On-LineIf you want to join us through Skype – Meet Now, the meeting can be accessed either through the Skype application (available on desktop and mobile) or through any web browser. Simply click the link below to access the meeting on Tuesday: BOD Skype Link:
ARCA January Board of Directors Meeting
Virtual Meeting On-LineIf you want to join us through Skype – Meet Now, the meeting can be accessed either through the Skype application (available on desktop and mobile) or through any web browser. Simply click the link below to access the meeting on Tuesday: BOD Skype Link: