*******ARCA Club Member Perk******
Do you like nets? Have you ever considered having your own 2m or 70cm net with a theme or format of your choice? Well if you are an ARCA member in good standing (Dues up to date), you can!! Any club member can apply to conduct a net on one of the ARCA repeaters. You choose the theme. The Board of Directors will review your application to insure no conflicts with other ARCA existing nets. That’s it!
Just Go to the “Repeaters & Nets” Tab on the web site and click on the “ARCA Net Manager Program” to get your application started.
It’s time your passion gets some airtime!
*****Items to Buy, Sell, or Trade*****
If you have item to buy or sell, go our “List Items to buy or sell” under the info tab of our web site, fill out the form and submit. We will list it here for two weeks.
If you sell your item(s), go to the “Contact Us” under “About” tab on the web site and send us an Email and we will remove from list.