Net Control Operators

Want to be a net control operator?

Being a net control operator is a rewarding experience that we want everyone to enjoy! We are currently looking for volunteers & backups. If you want to volunteer or get more information about being a Net Controller, please send an email to:

Carl Bosard –

Evening Net Controllers

MONDAYVHF Nightly NetRick Berry - KI4WJP
TUESDAYVHF Nightly NetSeth McKinney - KN4MXK
WEDNESDAYVHF Nightly NetMarty Tant - W4MTY
THURSDAYVHF Nightly NetCalvin Mortimer - KY4FQ
FRIDAYVHF Nightly NetRon Hall - KJ4CN
SATURDAYVHF Nightly NetMarion Butler - KO4NSY
SUNDAYVHF Nightly NetDerek Van Soest - KJ4DVS