Net Controllers

Want to be a net control operator?

Being a net control operator is a rewarding experience that we want everyone to have the opportunity to enjoy! We are looking for volunteers to act as Net Controllers for a 3 month period, once a week. If you want to volunteer, click on the link below. You can request which Seasonal period and day of week that best suits you. After signup, you may be contacted to verify and answer any questions you may have. 

Net Controller signup is not active at this time.

If you have questions, contact: Carl Bosard – W4IXI   

3rd Qtr CSRA Net Controllers (Jul-Sep)

MONDAYVHF Nightly NetJerry George- KK4JAG
TUESDAYVHF Nightly NetStacey Sharp - KK4RFL
WEDNESDAYVHF Nightly NetJessica Coleman - KG4YVK
THURSDAYVHF Nightly NetJerry George- KK4JAG
FRIDAYVHF Nightly NetSeth McKinney - K4SWM
SATURDAYVHF Nightly NetDavid Robinson - AI4HJ
SUNDAYVHF Nightly NetKeith Morris - KQ4HEF
Kathy Morris - KQ4JKG